frequently asked questions

What is the American Red Cross Alumni Network? 

The American Red Cross Alumni Network (ARCAN) is a member community open to over 55,000 former employees of the American Red Cross in the U.S. and around the world. Founded in 2024, we are independent from the American Red Cross, but it is our Red Cross experiences that unite us. 

ARCAN’s vision is to unite again around the ideals, the humanitarian mission and all the other things we valued most about being a part of the Red Cross: the service, the global perspective, the learning and most of all, the people. Together, we can learn from one another’s successes, inspire higher ideals, and support one another on our journeys in every chapter of our lives. 

We are led by a dedicated and talented group of alumni serving on our board, leading committees and task forces, and volunteering their time to support the ARCAN community. 

Where is ARCAN located? 

The organization is virtual, headquartered at the American Red Cross National Headquarters:

American Red Cross Alumni Network

43 18th Street, N.W.

Washington, DC 20006

but receive all correspondence at:

American Red Cross Alumni Network

PO Box 21004

Washington, DC 20009

Why did the Retiree Association (ARCRA) become an Alumni Network (ARCAN)? 

As a dynamic new organization for Red Cross alumni, ARCAN emerged when the need for the American Red Cross Retiree Association's purpose, advocating for pensions and retirement issues, had faded. The 50-year journey is one that we are proud of, but leadership recognized an opportunity to pivot and open the door to former Red Cross employees of all ages to join and grow this community. 

Is ARCAN part of the American Red Cross?

ARCAN is independent from the American Red Cross, but our mission and plans are supported by the Red Cross. We are authorized to use the American Red Cross name and photos, links and other Red Cross resources are used with approval. 

Who can be a member?

Membership is open to former American Red Cross employees of all ages. 

What are the benefits of joining?

ARCAN is a way to stay connected to what we valued most about working for the Red Cross and to apply those experiences and relationships to continue making a positive difference in the world. We provide avenues for connecting with colleagues, opportunities to grow and pivot professionally, and guidance for focusing our interests and resources for maximum impact. ARCAN offers members

    • Member Directory – find colleagues and share contact information
      • Virtual and In-Person gatherings and events including:
      • VIP interviews and discussions that inform and inspire
      • Virtual conversations on topics of interest to members
    • Updates from subject matter experts on issues or areas of concern to members like health, responding to climate change, mid-life career changes, planning for retirement and more
    • Network Opportunities -- alumni-shared job and volunteer openings and engagements 
    • Alumni-led causes and projects
    • Retiree Connection pension and benefits helpline and resources
    • Red Cross employee discount via PerkSpot
    • Alumni eNewsletter and News updates to help you stay informed and involved
    • Alumni Profiles and feature stories highlighting fascinating colleagues

Are non-members allowed to attend ARCAN webinars? 

At this time, most webinars are only open to members, unless otherwise specified. When webinars are open to all, feel free to invite friends and colleagues. Registration is required.

Do you have to be a member to access the Member Directory? 

The Member Directory is exclusive to members and requires login to access. Profile and contact Information is protected by privacy that members personally tailor.

What are the dues for membership?

Membership is $30 annually and is open to former American Red Cross employees. Dues help the Alumni Network to offer and manage programs and resources, deliver alumni-related news and stories, manage the website, host and facilitate virtual and in-person events, and much more.

How can I join?

You can become a member of ARCAN by going to the Join page and scrolling to the online form. Choose monthly or annual renewal options and follow the prompts to pay by credit – ARCAN accepts the major ones, using Affinipay’s secure online payment system. If you wish to pay by check, simply complete and print the form and include it with your payment to the ARCAN mailing address below. If you have any membership issues, contact ARCAN administrators at 202-303-8779 or

How is ARCAN funded? 

ARCAN is currently funded by membership dues and donations. Your generosity enables the Alumni Network to offer and manage programs and resources, deliver alumni-related news and stories, manage the website, host and facilitate virtual and in-person events, and much more.

How can I make a donation? 

You can make a secure credit card donation online, or via check. Details are on our Donate page. 

Can I make a donation to the Red Cross through ARCAN? 

We can’t forward your donations, but our Service page provides a link to the American Red Cross webpage for financial donations. 


How do I get more involved with ARCAN?

As a member, explore the website and ARCAN email communications and join and engage in our social media conversations on Facebook and LinkedIn. These will keep you up to date on the latest ARCAN news programs and events. 

Volunteer opportunities are listed on the Service page and include any openings on The Retiree Connection helpline, as Digital Brand Ambassadors on social media, in administrative tasks and leadership positions on our committees and task forces. 

What information can members find and share via the Member Directory?

Locating your fellow alumni is easy and safe through the ARCAN Member Directory. Your profile settings put YOU in charge of setting your privacy. ARCAN's settings currently make your name, city and state available to members but you can choose to share more or less with your fellow Alumni Network members. 

Profiles currently ask for basic contact information (name, address, email, phone number) and offer fields for additional information such as business, title, website, social media, resume, and a brief About paragraph for additional information you want to share. You can search for ARCAN members individually or by segments, such as those from a specific city or state, anyone who has a LinkedIn profile, just retirees, etc.

Connecting with our Red Cross colleagues old and new is one of the primary benefits of membership with ARCAN so we encourage you to complete your profile thoughtfully and allow information to be shared that inspires communicating and growing as a community--information you would like to see about others. 

How do I find other Red Cross alumni with similar interests or living in my geographic area, city or state?

The Member Directory allows you to search for individual members or groups of members geographically. Our Facebook and LinkedIn pages are great for finding members with common interests. Start a conversation around your interests—from pets and computers to a favorite hobby, book or vacation destination—and see who joins in! 

How can I find a Group of Red Cross Alumni in my area?

Throughout the United States, currently there are five regional Groups affiliated with ARCAN. Locations, contact information and meeting schedules can be found on the Affinity Groups page.

I let my membership expire, how do I renew?

You can renew your membership at any time on the Renew page here. Until you renew you will still be able to log into the site and: 

    • Request a password
    • View the general website but not the Members Only sections
    • Renew via the website form


How does ARCAN continue to support American Red Cross Retirees

ARCAN advocates on behalf of retirees who receive a Red Cross pension and retiree benefits. We provide retirees with services like The Retiree Connection helpline and resources and articles on retiree-related topics. Explore these offerings on the Retirement Resources page. 

What is The Retiree Connection?

The Retiree Connection (RC) is a call-in service provided by the American Red Cross Alumni Network (ARCAN), to assist Retirees with the complexity of today’s pensions and benefits. In 2023, the Retiree Connection helpline assisted 239 retirees. 

Why is The Retiree Connection important to Red Cross retirees?

Red Cross Retirees worked hard for their pensions and other benefits and, most of the time, they arrive seamlessly in our bank accounts or mailboxes. But occasionally Retirees need to contact the source of these benefits to address an issue or get a clarification. 

In the past, Retirees needed to contact only the Red Cross Benefits Service Center (BSC), but now Retirees may receive their pension benefit from an annuity company or from more than one source. Addressing issues and getting clarifications can be a lot more complex. For example, reporting change of address, change of direct deposit info and reporting the passing of a Retiree now require making more than one call.  

What should I expect when I call the Retiree Connection?  

Staffed by Retiree/Volunteers, called “Links”, The Retiree Connection can be reached at 202-303-8779. Callers are prompted to leave their name, phone number, email address and a short summary of their issue or question. Calls are returned on the same or next day. Often, Retirees phone the RC after contacting their benefit provider and becoming frustrated or confused and, at other times, they phone the RC first and receive coaching prior to calling these providers.  

How can I contact the Red Cross Benefits Service Center (BSC) and other Red Cross pension/benefits companies?

The Red Cross Benefits Service Center (BSC) (1-877-860-7526), outsourced to Alight, provides assistance for benefits from the traditional ARC Retirement System, including the: 

      • Defined benefit pension (Paid through State St. Bank)
      • Savings Plan (401(k) 
      • Retiree Medical Benefits 
      • Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)

In addition to phone support, the BSC provides a web portal: where benefits are displayed and many issues can be addressed without the need for a phone call. Both the phone support and web portal require log-in credentials to protect Retirees’ information and Retirees should make sure to have passwords and Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) current and carefully secured. 

The Annuity Companies

Pension benefits earned at the Red Cross may now be provided through annuity contracts with Athene, John Hancock or Aetna. Many Retirees receive these benefits from more than one source. 


Athene Holding Ltd. Provides the largest number of pension benefits to Red Cross Retirees and can be reached at 877-813-4240. Athene also provides a web portal ( where Retirees can: 

      • Review Your Annuity Info
      • Request annuity verification 
      • Review your communication preferences 
      • Review/update your tax withholding preferences
      • Review/update your direct deposit preferences 

John Hancock

Retirees who were earning vesting credits in 1987 are likely to receive a portion of their benefits from John Hancock which can be reached at 800-624-5155. John Hancock does not provide a web portal.


Retirees who were already retired in 1987 are receiving their pension benefit from Aetna which can be reached at 800-952-2700. 

What happened after the American Red Cross closed its Retirement System to new hires?

The American Red Cross Retirement System was established on May 1, 1936, and was closed to new hires on July 1, 2009, a span of about 73 years. Plan benefit accruals were frozen on 12/31/2012; benefits for vested active employees did not grow for those working beyond this date. Special Election Windows for lump sum benefit payments were opened in 2013 and 2016 resulting in 10,516 cashouts from the pension system.

In June 2017, American Red Cross purchased annuity contracts with Athene for about 10,000 retirees and changed the way previously purchased annuity contracts with Aetna and John Hancock are administered. Previously, benefits from these companies were paid through the Red Cross and State Street Bank to the extent retirees received just one monthly pension check. Currently, many retirees receive their pension benefit from more than one source.

In January 2019, the Retirement System rules were changed to allow unrestricted “lump sum” cashouts and since 2020 all separated vested plan participants have been permitted to elect a lump sum. Through 2023, more than 5000 plan members have cashed out.

In April 2023, a second set of contracts for 6300 retirees was purchased from Athene.

On July 1, 2023 there were 2,098 Retirees receiving benefits from the original Retirement System. In addition, 4,524 active employees and 6,536 separated/vested individuals were in the system for a total of 13,158.

The system has not impacted the hard-earned benefits of Red Cross retirees.


Members can use the Directory to see a list of current ARCAN members, search for fellow members or groups of members by name, location and other categories, and view profiles. Only current members are listed. 

On the far right of the home page banner, click on the "hamburger" list navigation icon and then select Directory from the list. Enter the name of the person you are looking for in the Search box and the name of the person will automatically appear below. If you only enter the last name, multiple member listings within the directory may display. Select the member's profile you wish to review (subject to their privacy settings). You can send an email message to that member by clicking on the Send Message button.  

How do I access and edit my member profile? 

To access your member profile, log into the website using your email and password.  Then click on your name in the top navigation bar. Then click on the Edit profile button to review and update the information listed. For example, to change your email address.  

How do I update my contact information in the directory?  

Current, active members can access their profile by logging into the ARCAN site. Once logged in, click on your name in the top navigation bar. Clicking this link will take you to your profile page. You will see key profile information including membership level - annual with the expiration date or lifetime, name, email, phone, and contact data. To update the profile, click on the Edit profile button.  After you have updated your information click on the Save button. Click on My directory profile next to the Edit profile button to preview how your profile is displayed to others based on your privacy settings. 

How do I control the privacy settings to limit access to my contact information?  

The Privacy tab allows a member to specify which fields are visible to everyone, other members, or hidden from everyone. These settings apply to your listing in the member directory and on your directory profile page. If a lock icon appears beside a field, the member cannot change the privacy setting for that field. 

After logging into the website, click on your name on the upper navigation bar, click on the Edit profile button, and then click on the Privacy Tab. You can control whether your profile is viewable by current, active members, and if so, which fields are viewable. For example, if you want others to see your street address you can add that field from your listing to your profile by clicking on the button on the address line under the members column. 

If you set your profile to private – by unchecking the Show profile to others option in your profile in the Edit view – you won't appear in the member directory at all and may miss communications from friends or colleagues. 

After saving your changes at the bottom of the page, click on My directory profile, next to the Edit button, to preview how your profile will now be displayed to others based on your privacy settings.

The American Red Cross Alumni Network is virtual, headquartered at the American Red Cross National Headquarters:

American Red Cross Alumni Network

43 18th Street, N.W.

Washington, DC 20006

but receive all correspondence at:

American Red Cross Alumni Network

PO Box 21004

Washington, DC 20009







ARCAN is independent from the American Red Cross but it is our Red Cross experiences that connect us. Our vision is to unite around the ideals, the humanitarian mission and all the other things we value most about being a part of the Red Cross: the service, the global perspective, the learning and most of all, the people. Membership is open to former American Red Cross employees of all ages. 

Join                Renew



PO Box 21004

Washington, DC 20009

© 2024 American Red Cross Alumni Network  All rights reserved

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software