Alumni & Red Cross News

Ukraine: IFRC President Kate Forbes reflects on the scars of conflict and the long road to recovery

by Kate Forbes, IFRC President 

Amid the suffering, Ukraine stands as an example of global solidarity and local leadership in humanitarian response. The road to recovery depends on the world’s continued, collective commitment. 

The drive from Warsaw in Poland to Kyiv, the capital city of Ukraine, takes almost 15 hours. For some, this journey might feel like a trip to a distant land. But Ukraine is not far away—it is at the heart of Europe. What is happening here is not confined to this country or its people; its challenges resonate across the continent and beyond.

As we travel through Ukraine’s small towns and villages, the signs of conflict become unmistakable. Remembrance walls display the faces of fallen soldiers, each photo a testament to a life cut short. Yet the true pain of war is carried by those left behind—the mothers and fathers who have lost their sons, the wives who have lost their husbands, the sisters and brothers who have lost beloved siblings.

Now entering its fourth year, the protracted conflict has left deep scars—on its land and people. 



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