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“Hello Microsoft Calling-Your Computer is Malfunctioning.”

10/29/2018 6:28 PM | Deleted user

Everyday dozens of individuals get taken for a ride, believing the person on the phone is calling from Microsoft. Don’t be fooled into paying good money to a stranger who does nothing, or worse, giving access to your computer, passwords and financial information to a SCAMMER.

You get the call from MICROSOFT.  It starts out as a friendly exchange. When he calls, he sounds real. He is smooth, but he has had plenty of practice.

If you play along a bit, he will have you hold the Windows key down and press the "R" key. This will bring up a dialog box, into which he will tell you what to type. This will take you to an error log, which will typically show many low level harmless self-correcting errors that your computer logs every minute. This is to gain your trust, and convince you that your computer is malfunctioning.

Then, he will direct you to a web page where you will download software which gives him remote access to your entire computer, so he can "fix things." He will guide you through the steps to marry your computers together. He will pretend to fix things, and perhaps ask for your credit card for a small payment. Then, he politely says "Good bye." During the conversation, he has downloaded the entire documents section of your computer. He will at leisure browse all your communications, banking, and everything else. You shouldn't store your passwords on your computer, but we all do that, and he knows it. He can and will go into your on-line bank accounts and clean them out.

The moral of the story…When Microsoft calls, hang up.

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