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Perkspot Discount with American Hearing Benefits

06/27/2018 5:43 PM | Deleted user

Research shows that strong relationships with family and friends help to preserve brain function and keep us happy.  Hearing is one of the senses that keep us connected and hearing loss is a proven precursor to social isolation.   
Harvard studies prove the negative impact of hearing loss on the quality of a person’s relationships, health, and happiness as they age.  A study by the American Academy of Audiology proves that treating hearing loss with hearing aids improves relationships at home and work. People who wear hearing aids report increased self-confidence and socialization.

 If you or someone you know is suffering from hearing loss, consider taking advantage of free hearing consultations and discounts on hearing aids through American Hearing Benefits' nationwide network of hearing professionals. Click here for a free consult and 60-day trial.

 Set up your account at  Perkspot  and check out other discounts

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