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Tips for Caring for Someone with Memory Problems

11/24/2020 2:40 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

If you’re caring for someone with memory problems, these tips may help. You may be able to help the person keep his or her confidence, independence, and dignity for as long as possible.

  • Be flexible, patient, and help the person try to remember what he or she can.

  • Make it easier for the person to remember new information. For instance, keep new information simple and repeat it often. Break down new activities into small steps.

  • Provide verbal cues rather than ask questions. For example, say: “This is Jane, your cousin, who has come to see you.” Don’t say: “This is Jane. Do you remember who she is?”

  • Establish a regular routine. This will help the person feel more secure and make it easier for him or her to remember what usually happens during the day. Too much variety and stimulation can be confusing.

  • Writing down important pieces of information can be helpful.

  • Learn what to expect. For example, managing irritation may be easier if you understand your husband can’t remember how to unload the dishwasher because of his disease. It is not because he doesn’t want to be helpful.

  • Seek help from family and friends.

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