Getting Rid of Clutter

09/28/2018 9:22 PM | Deleted user

Do you feel bogged down by your stuff?  Fully 48 percent of Americans say that their homes are full of stuff that they no longer need or use.  Some 9.4 percent of us are renting storage units to house our stuff.  The Journal Environment and Behavior found that students living with a cluttered and disorganized kitchen ate almost three times as many cookies as students living with an organized one.

Take Charge of your clutter in 4 easy steps.  Start small with a closet or chest of drawers or designate ten to fifteen minutes a day to declutter.

Start by putting things in one of four boxes:

1.    KEEP-things you regularly use

2.    SELL/DONATE-things you no longer use, are in good shape and might be of value or needed by someone else

3.    TRASH-broken, dirty, and unusable items-remove to the trash can immediately

4.    STORE-things with which you cannot bear to part

Read more on the clutter study and link between clutter and overeating.

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