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Loneliness can be worse for your health than smoking

09/30/2022 9:32 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Did  you know that you really have two ages...your chronological age, which you celebrate on your birthday, and your biological age, which refers to how old you seem?

You cannot change your chorological age...aren't we all perpetually 29-years-old!  But, you can improve your biological age through diet, exercise, and enhancing psychological state.  Other environmental factors like marital status and access to health care can also effect your biological age.  A study completed by Stanford University and Deep Longevity, a Hong-Kong based company and the Chinese University of Hong Kong found that sadness, loneliness, and general unhappiness can add an extra 1.65 years to your biological age. 

Smoking, on the other hand, can add up to 1.25 years.

More on the study here.

More from Next Avenue on  navigating loneliness and isolation here.

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