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Holiday Decorating Tips from the Red Cross

11/23/2021 12:47 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Lots of families use the Thanksgiving weekend to decorate their homes for the holidays.  Candles are very popular, especially around the holidays, but candles cause about 20 home fires a day on average in the U.S.  And, December is the peak month for home candle fires. If you’re decorating with candles this holiday season, consider using the battery-operated kind. If you must use candles, keep them away from anything that could burn, and place them out of reach of pets and children. Never leave burning candles unattended.

Follow these tips from the Red Cross to keep your holidays safe:

  • Check all holiday light cords to ensure they aren’t frayed or broken. Don’t string too many strands of lights together — no more than three per extension cord.
  • Turn off all holiday lights when going to bed or leaving the house.
  • Ensure outside decorations are for outdoor use and fasten lights securely to your home or trees. If using hooks or nails outside, make sure they are insulated to avoid an electrocution or fire hazard.

Click here for more tips from the Red Cross.

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